I Am Waiting For a Dream

My angel…
How many time are you there?

I am waitting for a dream…
Someone special…

Someone surrounded by flashes…
Protected with a strong team…
Someone really unreachable…

But I love that dream.

He belongs to the world, I know…
Althought that, my heart keep saying to me:
Wait for him.

I am waiting for a dream…
I can change my choices…
My reality…
My decisions…
I’m able to change my life!
If he just say that he loves me.

I don’t know how…
Neither when…
All that I know is that he is with me.

Without flashes…
Without fame…
Without his strong team.
Only my dream and me.

I am waiting for a dream…
Because I know, he was all the time with me.
Watching me…
Listening me…
Supporting me…
Caring me…

But I didn’t know untill wake up,
And recognize myself in his words…

My sweet angel…
How many time were you there?

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Niterói, July 4th, 2009.



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Wednesday, August 3, 2011 - 02:03

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