I like to listen while to speeches
to feel the fret of your hand,
to restrain yourself a look
but what more I like
they are your words,
to feel in them reflected
to look in your eyes,
to meet in your soul
to feel loved.

I like to listen while to speeches
you fascinate my tender soul,
you make demolish my imagination
towards distant lands,
and free flight for them
to the compass of your words.

I like to listen while to speeches
you make me feel lover,
of the music, the wind, the water
of your tender words,
of your hot look
of the sigh of your lips,
to my passionate soul.

I like to listen while to speeches
to know that you love me,
to discover in every second
butterflies that call me,
while my body go
in the clear night.

Listen to your words
I wrapped... I burn...
that made me catch you,
becoming bonfire
Passion unleashed,
just listen to... Your words.

Submited by

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - 12:36

Poesia :

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Carmen Gutierrez Tamayo

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 37 weeks ago
Joined: 02/10/2011
Points: 192

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