Trapped between borders of feelings
I did not know to interpret,
playing bad misfortunes
without peace, calm, no peace ...
Seeking refuge in the dark
where there was no roof to shelter,
in conflict with me
without finding the solution,
looking for a ray of light
help me to walk.

Lost in a flood of sensations
of dreams, words and songs,
memories, emotions
I do not know to understand,
but there are
enveloping my whole being,
capturing the essence remained low
my step by yesterday.

And now the borders are broken ...
You show me the way!
It amazes me blush
while your eyes look,
and I am surrounded by all
what I have always wanted.

The tide has abated
the strange sensations were left,
words and songs have become
again to make sense,
and a puff of warm air
has brought me the serenity,
finally found a ray of light
in the chaos of lived experience.

Resting under a soft blanket
necking whispers of the exhausted,
everything begins to shine again
with the force of what has gone,
climbing rung after rung
everything that we share
to be loved.

Carmen Gutiérrez Tamayo 

Submited by

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - 11:01

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Carmen Gutierrez Tamayo

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 42 weeks ago
Joined: 02/10/2011
Points: 192

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