A Melody Softly Soaring Through My Atmosphere

If I could start where you are
so soothing and simple
lied gently between the gravity and the label
exploring the view and the isle to what's new
if you were never aware of what was around you
like you said, I'm nothing more than a man
yet so simple there is comfort in the sound

sorrow drips into my heart like a pin hole
where the water was falling into a glass that was either empty or half full
I am losing what makes me whole
maybe I'm drowning in the love
or not stable up above
yet waving like love was going to drown
I would open my arms to expand what enters into my realm
yet still caring to march through all the alleys
swim through the oceans just to find you
where I could open my eyes and see in all directions at the same time
whether the sun rises tomorrow
I love you and this is something you should know
that my love is rising out of the ground
like a faucet that leaks yet repeats a comforting sound
I will cross any confusion that places stops upon our journey
of what lies before us
where I set my thoughts too far off destinations
where we can find love so much more soothing than here

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 00:05

Poesia :

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