Mind of a Surrealist Pig.

  I am a trend setter
Of the highest fashion
With hoofs I love to chew
Lying in cool mud they taste so good
And I love them through and through.


My nose is a final frontier
The edge of a universe
And totally belongs to me
I can balance myself erect
On its perfect hairy symmetry.


Sleep is no problem at all
When I’m fuller than full, and still want more
I’ll lay on my back to grunt for a while
Then all night long snore.


And in the morning dew
When I’m hit with a saintly light
I’ll go for a forage
Covered in mud so I am out of sight.


But soon I no they will come
In big rubber welly’s, and grey leather apron
All serious and fine
Then lead me away like common swine
To a place so dark and forlorn.


Then when I'm all wide eyed
And wanting to suckle my mum
They will slice off my nose
Like it was made of sweet chewing gum.

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Friday, January 28, 2011 - 16:51

Poesia :

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