My Heart Is Yours

My heart is cache
in the cave of
my dark days,
I wait for your
return when night
has become a mood
of anticipation by
clasping the key
tight I count
the days of
your absence
as a day of
fresh air
appears with
the moisture
upon the grass,
reserving a place
for fleeting
love games
to replace my
waiting until
you return,
we will recapture
that moment where
we left the
temperature in
our bloodstream
heated with fiery
coals of lust burning
against our skin,
I your vixen of
pleasure make
tattoo underneath
the sheets leave
your mind
with imprints
when you return
again the next
time for more,
I'll weave
a spider web
to bind
your freedom
forever as
my slave.

By. Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Monday, May 2, 2011 - 03:10

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