Oh No There Goes Composure

Oh no there goes composure
it seems everyone gets lost within my words
as if it's all nothing but confusion
where to begin
like a lantern burning for light upon a darkened path
yet it seems to get the best of me
and I'm left in wonder

so why, oh why

tell me where do I belong if not here
crossing of fingers and the silence that burns me
same problems coming to haunt me again
where I'm left to rot not able to move forward
so what does my heart desire

your face is what I see when all the lights go out
when I close my eyes it's you that stands before the rain
same problems that tears me to pieces inside
and I'm left in wonder
oh why
there goes composure

as I plan to be more than people thought
becoming a new man
a new me instead I'll take this ride
looking in wonder
talking silent
speechless in hopes you will not leave me
far away as I wave
you blow a kiss that travels for miles upon movement instead
I'm left in wonder
it's just the same problem tearing away at me
and I know it's taking the best of my head
so now I'm left in wonder, oh please tell me why

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 01:06

Poesia :

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Last seen: 13 years 45 weeks ago
Joined: 05/02/2011
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