You are so kind
and prophecy life
from the heat of the heart.

You are the hope window
of myself talking warrior moon of time.

We are time of love.

Take all of me,
take my entire feelings
be in motion eternity.

Feel my hands
holding your arms tonight
and breathe by my side
our pure instinct.

All nights
just been forever for us
in one star we made
for this wings of love.

Remember my lips
when I said the words
of the light about truth
in my eyes on you
my passion angel.

Do not lose the poetry
on my treasure prose sing on you.

Stay with me
on this flower talk about us
when you are happy
on happiness melody
from my kissing tears.

I need this eternity emotion
as if an ocean needs the sunshine
to keep control of paradise
on my dreams of you.

Let me be your smile,
your view around the world.

Your love is the garden of my days
when you make me something
on my soul fallen in love with you.

Submited by

Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 18:30

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 9 years 50 weeks ago
Joined: 03/07/2008
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