Villain Lady-mini series

Refusing to come to grips
with his other self
Wanting no part of the lost breed,
the past calling in his
nightmares to return

He swore he would carry
the secret to the grave
The blood hunted him down
like a hound dog sniffing
out a dead corpse

The night he gathered
with the elders,
detective set out
to be different
and he was unstoppable

Hitchhiking to an unknown city
Hired as a bellboy, renting
a small room, in the
basement of an antique shop

Detective lied his way in
He forged documents,
stole birth records from deceased,
Whatever it took to survive
he became a pro at that

The Captain was good to him
He was a mentor, schooled
him and he became a detective,

but the past haunted him
like a ghost, it called
every night for his return

and the Lady, he named Villain
could not be tracked down;
even by a con detective like him
who had the experience in the know
how to disappear tactics in order
to make a new life for himself.



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Monday, October 10, 2011 - 08:44

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 24 weeks ago
Joined: 04/20/2011
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