Villain Lady-mini series

The smell of her remained in his nostrils;
a strong scent of body odor coming from
inside his guts.

The odor was putrid like and foul as if
pus was building up somewhere inside of him.

Lady drove around the back of the club
where she lived and worked. She opened
up the garage door and drove her bike inside.

The back door was always her entrance.
The room she slept in was small and cozy.
Villain Lady was restless from the long
trip and fixed herself a strong martini,
she drank and undressed at the same time.

She peeled of one eyebrow at a time, slowly
to reveal her natural features. Next the
sides of her fake nose came off, she pulled
at the plastic skin attached to her high
cheek bones revealing her round cheeks.

Then she opened one of the drawers
on the headboard, took out a small case
and began to remove her colored contacts.

Closing her eyes, she rested her head on
the red satin sheets, smiling, thinking,
smiling, thinking until she fell asleep.

The horizon was touched by a red sun,
spreading out like a big jigsaw puzzle.
Sillouttes littered the landscapes
Lady slept like a baby.

Detective on the other hand felt
as if a transmigration had taken
control of him, but the who,
the what, where, and the why
was yet to be solved.




Submited by

Saturday, October 15, 2011 - 11:41

Poesia :

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Joined: 04/20/2011
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