When a Dream Come True

People will find you crazy...
They will tell you to take medicines.
But, trust me, you shall not be crazy,
When a dream come true.

Sometimes yourself may think:
God! This is impossible!
But, truste me, everything is possible,
When a dream come true.

Sometimes it will requires
A little bit of faith and patience,
Sometimes it will requires a lot!
But, truste me, it’s all worth,
When a dream come true!

Sometimes you’ll have to see beyond…
Sometimes you’ll feel you’ll never get…
And I know, being patient isn’t easy,
It’s even worse with the whole world
Screaming at your ears
What do you must to do!

But I can tell you:
Be strong.
Trust God.
Believe yourself.
And don’t be afraid:

Everything will be worth
When your dream come true!

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Itaboraí, March 4th, 2011

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Sunday, March 13, 2011 - 22:14

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