The Whole Nine Yards of the Depression

Come closer and look into
madness in my eyes, 'Fifty States'

There is no work but the made up
work of self employed poverty
stricken individuals like the
lady selling pastelillos on
the public parks grounds and
the Asian's whispering DVDs
in fast food places

Then there are the ones walking
the city streets pushing cold
water bottles and cleaning our
windshields with polluted water

Meanwhile the ones running our
country stay at the Tower and
pay over $1000 a night, most
of them are not citizens but
they support the State so we
build and rebuild nice places
to visit to keep the disappearing
monies coming in

I often wonder if we were ever
set free as history teaches
and who still pushes all the buttons

'Bondage' that's what it's called
The vicious cycle of a controlling
of weak peoples hunger to gain
wealth and status for self

A fatal disease developed by a
stronghold of underground
associations communicating
that greed is self-centered and
those that give themselves in to
them become part of them

Here I stand on the roof top
shouting my lungs out to inform
you that the wealthy are not
part of the recession but part
of the problem that makes it
into cause and effect

Empirists have the common sense
to figure this out, I don't have
to be a scholar to comprehend
who is holding me back from
being part of the upper class
status that hold the high paying
jobs and sit in fine restaurants
with those from other lands
negotiating how to keep the
poor from making top dollar

To sum it all up, we have never
been self sufficient, Dependence
on the other countries has been
survival, for (Made in the US of A)
is a rare coin when it comes down
to money

Must it come down to our voices
marching with signs of stress
so that we can have the same
jobs as those sitting in high places
and what will it accomplish if little
is done to satisfy the ego of it all.

Vanessa Ramos 

Submited by

Thursday, August 25, 2011 - 15:12

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