Within Hope And Prayer I Pray This Finds Its Way To You

Intercepting beauty reflects the minor detail
a treasure of gold resembles my future
past to present it equals an age where the ghost took hold and the needle dived
a forgotten man buried within his secret
lost and broken

memories guide flight, soothing yet painful we take on stride
the last goodbye has sharpened the eastern sky
where the fathers weep and the mothers cry
falling to depths where the tale has no end
yet the beginning lives on for all who believe, yet careless to some only to be deceived

a mountain to climb can lead to miracles
a brush to paint speaks a thousand words
drowning the pain the poison flows
creating a feeling that casts below
I claimed to be ok, yet my eyes show the truth
hidden with reason, yet leaking decision
the sun grew dark and my days were numbered
yet I thought to have heard the final cry

the tragedy to come only speaks in silence
the note was played while I repeat the words
memories grew dark and the picture now faded
the sun dried each tear, the wind blew away each cold fear

such wisdom I have gained through wrong decision
losing a life at an age so young
where no one stayed to talk me through
where not one laugh held a moment to be true
each day was dark, each memory brought shivers to nerve

within the raging fight over control within my mind
a struggle between two worlds
one which appeared to be full of beauty, full of happiness and laughter
and another which only felt the need to consume me within darkness forever

voices ringing within the night
the pounding of demons reaching for victory
bound to win yet bound to lose
hating the lord for granting me the right to choose

failure only hovered each relationship
resembling a halo yet sent by evil
haunting each word, cursed within the hurt

within this journey you took your step, to see deep inside and how I think
the words just connect, the phrases just flow
brilliant to some and honored by most
only truth to speak with a tale to share
pain is to speak of for what haunts me the most

with the feel of shakes always on edge
the fear of what is to come is my everyday
dead inside the feeling is numb
but if there is strength to feel, pain is the only one

to believe in healing is a chance to take
but if it was there, would I reach in faith
to say I have seen enough
and that the damage has been done
to give up on life is only another task to fail

yet these words cry off the page
they reach into your heart
you feel my hurt, you feel my pain
the doorbell is ringing would you let me in

to create a masterpiece is always what I attempt to do
something that speaks in ways that always finds its way to you
to be a vine, to be the grape
why not be crushed to make the wine
and take the time to forgive mistake

still I am young yet within I feel old
like I have been through ages of time, yet nothing seems more cold

to track each thought within a busy mind
the thought of one passing, in then out of life
curious is to why, not a stop to say hello or even a chance to say goodbye

to believe in faith, to believe that great things are yet to come for me
to say there is even the slightest chance for me to succeed
is something I seem to never forget to ponder
but the odds seem unlikely, yet who am I to say
I am only a man overwhelmed within his fear, within his pain
but with this piece of life that I once held, well I am glad to see it go

so with one last breath I close my eyes dropping to my knees
with hands held to receive a part of God
I cry out within the silence of prayer

"Dear God, please forgive me for I have sinned.
Please speak words of wisdom for which path I shall choose.
Oh, for each path is too dark for me to yet see.
Taking just one step could end devastatingly.
For I feel too weak, for I feel so scared, is there even a path for me out here?
I am so lost within this world, where time never stops and it just keeps spinning.
This world is beautiful in so many ways, yet where there is always good, bad seems to always find its way in.
I have made some very bad choices in my life and for that I can't deny, please accept my deepest apologies.
There are times where I feel life in me, like happiness is trying to poke its way through.
Yet every time I feel that way, the depression comes back to attack again.
I seem to think I lack the strength to fight for what I truly want in life.
I love writing poetry, I must thank you for this talent you blessed me with, yet unfortunately there is no way to make a life out of it.
I wish that wasn't true, I wish I could just get by with this, writing my feelings and creating different pieces, for all to enjoy and for all to read, for all to see the voice within me.
I am so grateful for all of the things you have given me, along my journey to fulfill my destiny.
I know I don't pray that often, but I thank you for this chance to speak how I feel to you.
Once again I would like to thank you for this talent you have given me, I probably wouldn't even be here anymore if this talent wasn't blessed within me, so thank you for granting me with a voice to preach.
I will try from now on to truly believe great things are going to be granted to me and that everything will work out how it was suppose to be.
That one day this pain will fade and I will forgive myself for all of the mess that I have made.
Where true happiness will find its way to me and I will reach the success that I have always prayed to reach."

Love your son,
Clark W. Cooper

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 01:20

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 45 weeks ago
Joined: 05/02/2011
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