Worth One Teardrop

I couldn't bear the separation
I held on tight,
the way a fist is clutched in anger

Building up into a levy
pushing, to break free

Closer than a loved one at heart,
likeness to a child who won’t
let go of a favorite stuffed toy

A lump laying in my throat,
waiting to be swallowed
Kept in the depths of my thoughts,
taking my mind elsewhere to forget

Drying out the ducts of emotion
from the corners of my eyes
Lashes without the moisture-riser
begging for tiredness to yawn in tears,

my heart would not come to grips
and I held it in tight as the knot
settled; growing tighter on the throat

and one tear dropped, staining the
color of my skin and I could say
that the emptiness he left behind
within me, was only worth one tear drop



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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 12:46

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
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