The beloved (Yusuf Islam - Cat Stevens)

The beloved

Composer: Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

His wisdom flowed from Heaven's Book
Just like threaded pearls
Just like threaded pearls
He left his self to flee to God
And God sent him back to us

He was born to be the beloved
A will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved
He was born to guide

He prayed all his nights alone
And stars and angels sighed
And in the day, he lead the way
With blazing words so bright

He was born to be the beloved
A will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved
He was born to be kind

He taught the people to worship
Bowing to one God, bowing to one God
His mercy stretched from east to west
To every man, woman and child

He was born to be the beloved
A will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved
Nature sublime

He opened up the doors of love
For every heart parched with thirst
He was a mercy to the words
And unto the human births

He was born to be the beloved
A will of the Divine
He was born to be the beloved
He was born to guide

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Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 17:33

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