Don't Close Your Eyes Tonight (John Denver)

Don't Close Your Eyes Tonight
John Denver

Composição : John Denver

There's a tenderness that I feel
Very real you see
I can feel your body stir, so deep within
Let it be an act of love tonight completely
Let me ask of you one thing

Don't close your eyes tonight
Just look at me see how many times I've cried for you
Don't close your eyes tonight Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

You can lie so close to someone
And still feel all alone
Though I've herad you say
You love me so many times When you give me love
So beautiful and tender
Someone else is in your mind

Don't close your eyes tonight
Just look at me see how many times I've cried for you
Don't close your eyes tonight Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

Sorry if I cry feelings run so deep
Many is the time when I wake up an find
I've been crying in my sleep
Look me in the eye
Tell me what you see
I'm the one who loves you
I'm the one who needs you
Make this one for me

Don't close your eyes tonight
Just look at me see how many times I've cried for you
Don't close your eyes tonight Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

Don't close your eyes tonight
Just look at me see how many times I've cried for you
Don't close your eyes tonight Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

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Sunday, March 27, 2011 - 11:11

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