Sinfonia Pastoral - Beethoven, parte 3/4 (Disney´s Fantasia - Baccanal and Storm)

Beethoven's 6th symphony, dubbed 'the Pastoral Symphony' segment from Disneys Fantasia.

Act three shows all the centaurs, fawns and cherubs preparing for a grand celebration. Large amounts of grapes are gathered into an enormous tub and pressed into wine as Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry, arrives astride his unicorn-donkey.

With the drunken deity present, the festivities get into full sway. All the revelers dance about merrily. Bacchus joins the dance as well, and also engages in somewhat cavalier behavior.

All of a sudden Zeus crashes the party, raining down a violent storm; seemingly for no other reason than his own amusement (as usual). Everyone runs off, taking whatever shelter they can find while Zeus hurls his thunderbolts to the ground. (continuously aiming ar Bacchus for some reason.)

Eventually, Zeus tires of his little game and hunkers down for a nap.

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Friday, May 20, 2011 - 22:51

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