Windsong (John Denver)


Composer: John Denver

The wind is the whisper of our mother the earth
The wind is the hand of our father the sky

The wind watches over our struggles and pleasures
The wind is the goddess who first learned to fly
The wind is the bearer of bad and good tidings
The weaver of darkness, the bringer of dawn

The wind brings the rain then builds us a rainbow
The wind is the singer who sang the first song.
The wind is the twister of anger and warning
The wind brings the fragrance of freshly mown hay
The wind is the racer and wild stallion running
and the sweet taste of love on a slow summer's day.

The wind knows the songs of our cities and canyons
The thunder of mountain, the roar of the sea

The wind is the taker and giver of mornings.
The wind is the symbol of all that is free.
So welcome the wind and the wisdom she offers
Follow her summons when she calls again.

In your heart and your spirit let the breezes surround you
Lift up your voice then and sing with the wind:
La la la la la la la la la la la la la
dee dee dee dee dee dee dee oooooooo

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Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 18:21

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