John Dowland - Fine Knacks for Ladies (Emma Kirkby)

John Dowland(1563-1626)~Fine Knacks for Ladies
Emma Kirkby~Soprano
Anthony Rooley~Lute
From "Honey To The Hive / Songs by John Dowland"

Great gifts are guiles and look for gifts again,

My trifles come as treasures from my mind,

It is a precious jewel to be plain,

Sometimes in shell the Orient's pearls we find.

Of others take a sheaf, of me a grain.

Within this pack pins, points, laces and gloves,

And divers toys fitting a country fair,

But in my heart, where duty serves and loves,

Turtles and twins, Court's brood, a heav'nly pair.

Happy the man that thinks of no removes.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 23:19

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