Genesis - When in Rome Concert 2007 (DVD)

Genesis - When In Rome (2007) (Dvd Full)

Tracklist (Lista De Temas) :

01. Duke's Intro
02. Turn It On Again
03. Hello, Good Evening And Welcome *
04. No Son Of Mine
05. Land Of Confusion
06. Any Old Fans Here Tonight
07. Medley:
- In The Cage
- The Cinema Show (Cut)
- Duke's Travels (Cut)
08. Afterglow
09. Hold In My Heart
10. A Scary Story
11. Home By The Sea (Complete Version)
- Part One: Home By The Sea
- Part Two: Second Home By The Sea
12. Follow You, Follow Me
13. Firth Of Fifth (Excerpt - Part Two Cut)
14. I Know What I Like
15. Mama
16. Let Us Take You Away From All That *
17. Ripples
18. Throwing It All Away
19. The Domino Principle In Action **
20. Domino (Version Complete) :
- Part One: "In The Glow Of The Night"
- Part Two: "The Last Domino"
21. Drum Duet (Phil Collins And Chester Thompson)
- Part One: "Converstions With 2 Stools"
- Part Two: "Drum Duet"
22. Los Endos
23. Tonight, Tonight, Tonight / Invisible Touch
24. I Can't Dance
25. Thank You And Goodnight *
26. The Carpet Crawlers
27. Credits (Creditos)

* Phil Talks (Phil Habla)
** Phil Jokes (Phil Juega)

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Monday, April 29, 2013 - 00:13

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Joined: 10/29/2009
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