
When all occasion appreciate immortal sin

Guileless join of divide

Sentient does pass in quaint array

Such did cross where man could not

To inquisition plan become our way.

Passing time afford steel with concrete

Man stride monolithic arachnid mollusc sheet

Vein of life no care be gave it there

Where immortal sin did win

A plaque in state to tell and grin.


Hungry knowing such dreams

And imaginary

Speak to make a bridge of time.


Circumvolve forever planets and God

Then stand to look tall

In dreams across its back

Then cross.


Oh bidding structured connection

Does animal see or care this plight

How you rid their space

To similar grace

In new.


Come know over what we've done

Pass with glee

to a land of glass like anomaly

And fly with giant’s wing claw n’all

To scrape God’s chapel wall

Then sing to how be done

These bridges of kingdom come.


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Wednesday, February 2, 2011 - 22:52

Poesia :

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