Faithless - God Is A DJ

This is my church
This is where I heal my hurts
It's a natural grace
Of watching young life shape
It's in minor keys
Solutions and remedies
Enemies becoming friends
When bitterness ends
This is my church (x3)
This is my church
This is where I heal my hurts
It's in the world I become
Contained in the hum
Between voice and drum
It's in the change
The poetic justice of cause and effect
Respect, love, compassion
This is my church
This is where I heal my hurts
For tonight
God is a DJ
God is a DJ
This is my church (x3)

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Lunes, Agosto 29, 2011 - 20:56

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Rui Lima

Imagen de Rui Lima
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 23 horas 52 mins
Integró: 03/04/2011
Points: 1586

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other contents of Rui Lima

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