
born of unspoken love autumn

I find no sense to the poem

fleshly body wrapped in shiny clothes

the emptiness grows pupils on her legs

with greed hunger

confident that in another life

better will be

delicate forms and death take us by surprise

persuaded us

is so short the waiting line

I do not lie

the poet is not just a name

among me and him so many dead sins of silence

I decided to leave my self

today I feel like a burden

streets bearing ocean scent

polished tiles between white houses

heavy shadow on the pavement

my thoughts

leaves leave the trees

and go in the world

in my hands only ashes remain

I want to follow Resurrection


steps measure doubt

we wear bells overhead

knotted life in words

God knows not to complain the rain falls up

I feel my eyelids glued dried

narrow my life

but remember

autumn flows from all unloved women

as a cut lamb

leaving the skin as a cry

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Friday, July 22, 2011 - 17:20

Ministério da Poesia :

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