the childhood

in winter the poetry rise

around the walls
around the room
around your arms

loneliness and your shadow
dress me up

it is winter and deep snows
over the city over as

we go beyond death when we love

memory of blossom spin flowers
flowing through the curtains
You cover me with your eyes
your wild heart

we try to add to every moment
a scent of a story
we try to go around unnatural care
of living
unnatural inability to change

winter covers you in her wedding dress
your hands touch the silence that rips
and the night begins to melt
on the old carpet

incomprehensible devoured by eternity


take the gold pen to write you
from ankles
to the temples

as spring reminding a child drawing
on windows the childhood

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 - 19:17

Ministério da Poesia :

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Title: Membro
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