a crazy girl

and I look at you sitting on the aging verge

your room steeped in silence

poorest details
window's eyes raising the image of a garden
the morning slipping through maples
as a fragile little girl jumping a rope

when you get up you will reach
the night side
her song born among dams
the winter dressed in a too large silk shirt

memories that we spent back in life

I look for you among the foreign objects
with different eyes
your soft knees feel my heart
how many sweetened images

we squeezed into the same bitter moment
your pitch hair freezes in my hands
your shadow nestled under my eyelids

the words persuade us
kisses us
with a hot mouth

but who knows where you go
happy about
when the moments expand
and we not fit equally

I miss seeing you among the forgotten things
a crazy girl jumping a rope or sitting on the threshold
in the winter

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 - 19:27

Ministério da Poesia :

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Title: Membro
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Joined: 07/16/2011
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