poems in a poem

we all believe that she went who knows where

as autumn lost on cobblestone streets
and walk carelessly
dressed in rusty grass we all believe that

trees are crowded in leaves
and rises in the night floating on high towers
city is dying off
a charcoal tightly between hands
in the heart bitten with the teeth

come to watch me

I go outside to forget myself
her image rushes me split me drown me up
can not write a word about happiness
can not write a word in my soul

I drink the words with a black shell
I drink them of me
as many times as a poison
how often
may you do not say that anyone
change our lives without anyone knowing
that somebody nailing as anyone knowing
I get back at you tired

a naked day lengthens its knees by branches
draws on the pier wilderness of the soul
she collapses in the night as a girlfriend screaming in love

shadows flushed out of the walls
is no longer a place where to pray in silence for long

under coal with fatty odor marine fish we fry
burned their eyes scratch our face scales we glue on lap lover
with fresh meat we feed our soul until we meet the falsity
the empty word naked too real

hear waves trapped in a shell
the sand lending us the wisdom of flowing
flowing like a river to the wilderness

I see through a slit
an hearted wind take our breath
we twist
we moved
all start from the beginning

leaning against the wall I look from one eye to another
the child from the left eye throw dust over me

allow me here please
in death
that gives shape to the poem

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 - 19:24

Ministério da Poesia :

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