


I couldn't remember his happy moments

He described them to the T

He said " do you remember walking

home from school in the rain, i holding

the umbrella above your head"

He said " it was my way of being close to you"

They were some of the best moments

in his childhood, yet i couldn't remember any

He mentioned watching me as i walked on Liberty

street; that i had gotten married, He said,

" i was too traumatized about the whole thing,

so i couldn't say Hello"

He talked about my long wet hair, i teasing

him at his fathers tailor shop , his broken heart

He said " do you remember what i looked like when

i was young? So many questions and me, as polite

as i could be answered a no, making up excuses,

they were lost childhood puberty memories

His crush was bigger than mine, i can relate to that

I had  fallen into that category many times, when

the other person couldn't remember my fantasies,

i felt let down and crushed


By. Vanessa Ramos



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Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 11:56

Poesia :

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