Daydreaming In Art #13



During dinner Oscar did all the talking,
he vowed to Jenna that she would be
the only woman in his life, in his dreams
and in his paintings.

Then he compelled his mind to break the news.
“ Jenna he said, I will marry you and be
by your side” and when he said those words
 a sense of unimaginable fear took over.

He rushed to her side, and picked up the canvas,
moving as quick as he could and up the stairway.
As much as he wanted to marry, he was aware
that things would change, that his life would
be different, things would never be the same.

He placed the painting on the easel, sat on
his chair and began to touch the trunk of
her body with his fingers, looking for impurities.
Oscar wanted to be in control, before he married
she had to be perfect, and he wanted to check once

It was already close to midnight, Oscar had had
to many glasses of wine during dinner, his mind
was wondering, it went from one place to another.

Although he promised to never be like his father,
deep down he felt he was another him, the only
difference was that his ladies were pure, they
were virgins created by the finest caliber of man.

Great artist had the gift of changing everything to
be as they pleased, their world was different and
even if he had one imperfect sense working against him,
he still had his mind, his talent, his hands, his fingers,
and most of all he was a dreamer.

In dreams he entered a different world, a world of sight,
where he could apply what he saw on the canvas.
He had his friend Bill to describe the women, their
bodies, their features and he could put it all into one.

Oscar lived in two separate worlds, the world of dreams
and the world he created when he awakened.
he picked up a flat chisel and got an idea., it was the
ideal way to create and perhaps the end of all his problems.


Vanessa Ramos

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Monday, August 29, 2011 - 15:50

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