(( Heart & Hammer ))

In the Forum of blacksmiths
Steel and iron are melted.
Someone from one side
Our wages have been set on fire
Our wages've been overwhelmed by the furnace controversy
By the opiated melts,
The seconds of present trend to the past
Someone with tooth-pick in his mouth
With a pressed fist
Which carries the time
Said: ((shut up))
This time louder than before,
Wage, wage
Others off, deeply look at him.
One, two, three, four ...
S Counting brutality look
Six o'clock,
One stare,
What did you want?
Oh! Wage!
Laughter, laughter
And starting to whine
Which did not struck any ears.
Blood, flowing blood
Decorated the table
And the last carcasses
Were thinking of freedom
Now the heaven
has been provided for buzzards.

(( Poet: Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh ))

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - 03:26

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Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh

Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh's picture
Title: Membro
Last seen: 4 years 46 weeks ago
Joined: 12/30/2010
Points: 98


Maria Letra's picture

Your poetry reveals high

Your poetry reveals high sensitivity in the choice of the right terms to describe the drama therein described. Compliments Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh.

Domaris's picture

Feel i was there

I really felt like i was there!!

Great words!

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