just watching you

I find it so hard not to caress you
not to reach you
rubbing you
to keep quiet
and quiet
and quiet

just watching you

pass winter in a wedding dress
autumn crossing bridges
among children drawing birds
on walls
and spring pass
through your naked shoulder

everybody loves you
rising up in each of us differently

time spent
a seagull burning in flight
I gather the children playing
risk on sidewalk

I gather in the children eye playing
risk on sidewalk
every penny escaped on asphalt means destiny

we had full pockets and large-hearted
we do not care if we lost

she walk through life likes a song
differently performed in each of us

and just now
I have no words
to utter them
to remind you
my love as a child

my thoughts nesting
among love and hate
among pride and humility

my soul as a cloud

a story
just a naive story

you from half of my body
rising up

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Thursday, July 21, 2011 - 20:55

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 18 weeks ago
Joined: 07/16/2011
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