Love is an answer lie when feelings die.
Subsequently summers are flowers crying.
Eyes are an ocean true of pure instincts.
Dimension sky broken on my loneliness choice.

Words are serpent’s sin on the book of times.

Now and then never gone,
times never come
and my times never happen.

A nightmare times coming loss
of consciousness hell
of all I need to stay on my kingdom romance.

I rule the chance.

Only one reason
makes me walking wide awake
side by side with my phantoms demons.

Nights are an abysmal high
of ending mountains
in my hand touch on everything.

I am a desert journey
if don’t run out fissure
of misery soul moon.

Kindness of life is soon.

The ancient times
spank me like a train coming
from unstoppable fears I made
at my imaginary roses perfume.

I am a sun without gift for.

Days are coming unfashionable ages of me.
Nights are going poetry tears without wishes.

I don’t know
but I can’t scramble the stairs
on myself insight.

My windows life is jails silence
when my self-determination
is extreme dislike to nobody.

Submited by

Saturday, January 15, 2011 - 03:02

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 03/07/2008
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