I say to myself
why this cave pain
don´t left my far above
the ground foolish stairs
to mind face drill on my time.

The sun goes down on me
monster shade of rain from poison angels
of fear snooze desert souls deep in side
of me smooth lover.

I say to myself
why stars breathe my last breath
under the same boring garden moon
verbalize on my nightmare roses
from misery feelings on my spanking
sanctuary evil.

I am the shadow silence sounds
from blood pride.

Madness set me wild poet
in the order of sin snakes on heaven circle.

Chilly voices
make me phantom of ocean sorrow.

Bad noises murder
the inspiration slave of immortality eyes.

My life shouts get the end
on the the mountain ice in prison hand over.

My body cry spears
devoid of real insignia
in my disappearing heart in love.

I forget
my once forever song
in the night flowers when I see
my no more than self goodbye
to escape from suicide lie words.

I watch my frown
whishing the truth of my verve passion.

Frozen lips across my echo
coast to coast on my hate phrase
from breakout fire fog lacking lights.

Submited by

Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 18:35

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
Joined: 03/07/2008
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