Let us sing in a very loud voice,
full of love for all the million ones
who cannot stand, as me, the noise
of the evil fire of assassin guns.
Let us sing a song like a cry.
We are people who ask and  claim
for an answer to the question why ...
... so many children have to be in pain.

Stop the wars.
They are killing innocent lives
who might go for good,
while the bad survive.
Let us live, in peace,
in a world of good laws.
Stop the guns, to cease
the cruelty they cause.
We are bodies who search
to find our own way.
Some, look for a church,
others curse, while we pray.

Let us sing to open narrow minds
before it's too late to follow the right path.
We are singing for races of all kinds
who hate your violence and your absurd wrath.
...And if you don't want to hear our singing,
leave us alone, choose your own place.
We want to have a better way of living
While you do prefer to live in disgrace.

Maria Letr@

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Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 03:15

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Maria Letra

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