Polonaise (Jon Anderson & Vangelis)


Jon & Vangelis

If you just take my sense of freedom
If you just take away my home
You can't ever hope to win me
This I'll tell you for sure
There is strength in the common people
For the people is all we really are
Young and old, the wisest and the lowly
Each indeed is 'Holy' in the 'Light of Love'
When the 'Word' comes
I will be waiting
Like a dove that shines he prays for peace
Some have waited what seems a lifetime
Some are waiting now to be released
For the moment we have this freedom
We will choose the way our hearts will move
All the people lost will find their way
Give that chance today
Hear and I will pray
No not for nothing hearts will not be broken
As long as we are open
Our hearts will make us free
Free for the Earth man
Free for the millions
In the 'Glory' all will come to 'Truth'
No aggression, that we leave behind us
To be replaced
By 'You'
For tomorrow another morning
For tomorrow another day
In our children there's that sense of freedom
Help them use it wisely
I will pray

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Friday, February 4, 2011 - 19:47

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Joined: 10/29/2009
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