Da Fisicalidade

Resseca uma clepsidra que se hastilha,
Sequaz da Galatea (1) marmorizada,
Hebeta-se em atimia, evola-se e nada
Lhe lidima uma Becky (2) por cartilha.

Entretanto o capcioso fluir dedilha...
Em distopia, o condir, em adversão afiada
À flama de um efésio (3),  onde arde a mónada.
Em aporia, o devir lanha qual cilha.

Verberada, a centelha auroresce ainda
Numa "navalha de Ockham" que não ensarta
O adiáforo. É somente um áster que blinda

O exostro de Prosérpina ou do eleata (4).
Conquanto sem as Dioneias-lua de Melinda (5),
Locupletada n'êxedra de Marta (6).

(1) OVÍDIO, "Metamorfoses", 8 d. C.

(2) THACKERAY, William Makepeace "Vanity Fair", 1848

(3) Heráclito de Éfeso

(4) Zenão de Eleia

(5) VIEIRA, Alice "Flor de Mel", Lisboa, Editora Caminho, 1986

(6) VIEIRA, Alice "Os Olhos de Ana Marta", Lisboa, Editora Caminho, 1990

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Friday, December 25, 2020 - 00:31

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Rute Iria

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 10/24/2020
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“... tudo sai da terra e tudo volta à terra...”
Xenófanes de Colofonte (570 a.C. - 475 a.C.)

"What things of greater account, do you suppose, will they rescue from life's great conflagration?"
KIERKEGAARD, Søren "Diapsalmata", 1843

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"ready wealth"

"Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher.

She has a world of ready wealth,
Our minds and hearts to bless—
Spontaneous wisdom breathed by health,
Truth breathed by cheerfulness."

WORDSWORTH, William - The Tables Turned. In "Lyrical Ballads", 1798

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"deepened all"

"Having bread
For just so many days, just breathing-room
For body and verse, I stood up straight and worked
My veritable work. And as the soul
Which grows within a child makes the child grow,—
Or as the fiery sap, the touch from God,
Careering through a tree, dilates the bark
And roughs with scale and knob, before it strikes
The summer foliage out in a green flame—
So life, in deepening with me, deepened all
BARRET-BROWNING, Elizabeth "Aurora Leigh", 1856

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"Bad Apples"

"I'd have all my bases covered
If I could teach my hands to see"

GUNS 'N' ROSES. "Bad Apples". Darren A. Reed / Duff Rose Mckagan / Izzy STRADLIN / Matt Sorum / Saul Hudson / W. Axl Rose. Use Your Illusion II. 1991

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"Flor de Mel"

Choro sempre no fim do "Flor de Mel", não importa a idade com que o releia...

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