C'est La Vie (1965)

I was convinced when I puckered up
and air coming out of my mouth
blew out, pushing clear soap bubbles
from the stick I held on to,

my eyes closed as I spun around
in circles imagining to be a big
bubble swaying in the air,

opaque rainbow colors caught the sun’s rays
and I cheated to open my eyes,

here, there, everywhere
flowing above and below,

invading on the air,

boys and girls began to gather
as if they were chicks to
be fed, pecking with fingers
at the bubbles, and happily
chirping in unison,

I was at ease watching
bubbles burst on faces
of young and old alike
sitting on benches,

me, eyeing different expressions

I thought to myself
C’est La Vie, on how
I had made new friends
by blowing bubbles
from a ten cent
bottle of Mr. Bubbles

By. Vanessa Ramos


C’est La Vie: This Is Life


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Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - 12:22

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