Let’s light our Spark of peace!

Let’s light our Spark of peace!

Let’s wake our slumbering minds, uncontrolled.
Let’s light the spark of peace in our sleeping hearts.
We are all one and connected,
responsible for what we are transmitting through the
invisible and intertwined gold threads of telepathy.

Do not let our energy of Divine nature
be polluted by the influence of evil
because what we sow we will collect.

Without balance man is an irresponsible
in the hands of the prince of darkness,
guilty of his diffusion of death and destruction.

Let’s cure ourselves to cure the world around us.
We are all one and connected by the voice of silence.

Let’s light Spark of peace
because if it is not inside us
we cannot transmit it and so we are
guilty of sowing weeds in the garden of time.
We are all responsible of the darkness that envelops
our society, because it is created by our inner hell.

Let’s control our wild mind with thoughts
of love and donate peace to our brothers
through the voice of silence.
Without a controlled mind, there will not be
balance, we will fall in a total pain
and peace will remain a chimera stolen by the wind.

We are all one connected by invisible energies
intertwined by the golden threads of telepathy and so
we convey our negativity to the community.
Let’s light our Spark of peace!




Submited by

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 14:54

Ministério da Poesia :

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 6 years 50 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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