Call Of Duty

A token of your appreciation
is all they need
in loving care and admiration
for their faithfullness
to watch over the Americas
Do these things in honor
of them who serve
Don’t forget to say a prayer
or light a candle, alas,a cordial tear;
whatsoever you can do;
in memory of the beloved sons
and brothers and fathers who fought
for you and gave their life’s in battle.
Remember them of new and old wars,
who left behind dearest ones,
to fight in wars not ours.
But wars made from hate and greed.
Men brave enough to leave all behind,
to make a difference for you and I.
Recognize them for their endurance
each day they rose at 5am or so,
to run and fitness and practice drills;
staying up on watch for the enemy,
while we slept soundly in comfort.
Those heroes taken as prisoners of war who
suffered much, starved and tortured in past
and present wars, we cannot forget the honor
they had for our country these men of all race
that we define as military soldiers.
Do remember them today and always please,
not just on a holiday like Memorial day.
And pray each day for every soldier that
remains today in the Armed Forces.

© vanessa ramos. All rights reserved

In dedication and love to my father RIP, cousin RIP Wilson, my friend Ivy RIP, and all those who served in the Armed Forces RIP, and those presently standing by to protect our country.,and those falsely imprisoned
May God Bless and Protect you always,
Vanessa Ramos

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Sunday, May 25, 2014 - 13:09

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 23 weeks ago
Joined: 04/20/2011
Points: 980

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