Don't hide your tears

You're among all these people,
wondering if somebody
really cares about you,
who walk alone without
knowing the right thing to do.

You hide your tears,
you don't show your sorrows,
because you're sure
everybody will judge you,
speak about your weakness.

But don't pretend
everything is fine,
don't feel your sorrow
is so unimportant.

Nobody can judge your actions,
nobody can speak who you are.
So, don't hide your tears,
don't force yourself
to show happiness
to the rest of the world.

Your feelings are yours,
your sorrow is only yours,
they're true and make up
your unique soul.

Don't hide your tears,
show everybody
who you are.
So, you'll be a real person.

Submited by

Monday, November 3, 2014 - 13:08

Poesia :

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Last seen: 7 years 45 weeks ago
Joined: 03/21/2011
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