
I want to be free like the birds

I want to be small like an ant

I want to live under the earth like the mole

Not to see the world as it really is.


I want to live in the Amazon

With the animals and the native

Not to face the "civilized men"

Who talk of peace and make the war.


I don´t want poverty,

I don´t want hunger,

I don´t want war

Or the other atrocities of our world.


I just want to sleep for a hundred years

Dreaming with a better world.

Perhaps when i wake up

The world will be like the one in my dream...

Autora: Cristina Maria Maias Oliveira
Respeite os direitos autorais / se copiar divulgue a autoria.

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Friday, February 10, 2012 - 16:45

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