
Oh, how can I forgive you,
after everything you've done?
You've made me sacrifice 
all my self for you, you've
made me give up my soul.

And nothing was good enough for you,
who was never satisfied, but always
angry, bored and tired.

Do you think I am stone?
I couldn't be perfect, but 
I've done the best I could.
I tried to be the best I could be,
only because I loved you.

But my love wasn't enough,
my blood was dried
without making you realize
how I was dying for you.

Well, I still love you
and give you my 
sincere forgiveness.

Submited by

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 - 18:18

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 49 weeks ago
Joined: 03/21/2011
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