My head blossoms

I have my head open to what i do not keep...
My body rests in my future head;
waiting, still, is the house that i do not encounter on the road.

One day i will be without days.
I´ll have no timetable.
I will happen in the wind...
- and Comfort myself...

My hands asks for the spring...

The sun breaks down like hot water.
And i confine myself to blossom.

They tell me that this is...
...The nature of things...

Submited by

Thursday, December 9, 2010 - 02:18

Poesia :

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Ex-Ricardo's picture
Title: Administrador
Last seen: 12 weeks 6 days ago
Joined: 02/15/2008
Points: 1124


Nostalgia's picture

My concept for poetry is that

My concept for poetry is that it really sprouts out from our (sub)minds to blossom this beautiful way, as expressed here, and, undoubtfully, it is the nature of (all) things.


Ex-Ricardo's picture

Thank you.

Thank you for your kind words about my poem.:)
maria joão carrilho's picture

the nature

Parece da tua natureza estares sempre a saltar daquilo que foste para aquilo que serás .

Pelo menos foi assim que entendi.


Acontece, com quem não se limita ficar-se no previsto.

Difícil, expressar este conceito/ sensação/ insatisfação. 


Rui Lima's picture

muito bom   mas eu

muito bom

mas eu punha-lhe mais "rótulo" de aforismo ou metáfora em vez de meditação

eheheheheheheh wink

Um Abraço,

Rui Lima

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