Sinfonia Pastoral - Beethoven, parte 2 (Disney´s Fantasia - 1940 - Centaurs Courtship)

Beethoven's 6th symphony, dubbed 'the Pastoral Symphony' segment from Disneys Fantasia.

In the second part, we meet up with a group of centauresses who are busy dolling themselves up with the assistance of some cherubs.
Pretty soon, a band of male centaurs comes bounding along, gathering to see a spectacle. The ladies, having sufficiently prepared, parade themselves in front of the men, inviting any interested male to come up to them.

In no time at all the centaurs begin pairing off with their chosen ladies and meander off through the meadow arm in arm.
The cherubs congratulate themselves on a job well done until they see one centaur sitting by himself, alone and dejected. Feeling for his sorrow but unable to help, the cherubs heave heavy sighs. Then a solution to the problem presents itself in the form of a centauress who has also been left without a partner.
Putting their heads together, the cherubs quickly formulate a plan to bring the two together. The plan is executed flawlessly and the two of them settle away together.

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Friday, May 20, 2011 - 22:45

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