Only love (Nana Mouskouri)



Only love

 Nana Mouskouri

Only love can make a memory.
Only love can make a moment last.
You were there and all the world was young
and all it's songs unsung.
and I remember you then, when love was all,
all you were living for,
and how you gave that love to me.
Only then I felt my heart was free.
I was part of you and you were all of me.

Warm were the days and the nights
of those years.
Painted in colors to outshine the sun.
All of the words and the dreams
and the tears live in my remembrance.

Only love can make a memory.
Only love can make a moment last.
Life was new, there was a rage to live,
each day a page to live,
and I remember you then,
when love was all, all you were living for
and how you gave that love to me
Only then I knew my heart was free.
I was part of you and you were all of me.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011 - 12:26

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Last seen: 6 years 45 weeks ago
Joined: 10/29/2009
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