Villain Lady- A new chapter in her life

I decided that the time has come
to continue the series on Villain Lady,
with that said; the  beginning chapters of this mini series
is here on the site for anyone whom wants
to read and comment on it. 
Sit back and Enjoy!

Finally she heard the familiar sound
of a doorknob turning therefore adjusting
the handkerchief in her hand once more

Inside her chest she felt her heart
flutter rapidly and the valves warming
up to the excitement on her mind

The door opened and she pushed herself
inside, to cover his eyes and nose
Now he was in a headlock and she
pulled him back to the carpet,
the struggle when on for a few seconds
Detective was out cold; she was ready

From the upstairs floor a loud cry began
it was a child crying and Lady was confused,
she quickly walked over to turn on the light
to discover a tall woman about one hundred and
seventy five pounds on the floor.

Villain lady was used to surprises
but not like this, something strange
was definitely going on.
While walking up the stairs she
thought about the whereabouts
of Detective, however she want
to take a look at the child

Had Detective gotten married
since her absence, she now
was at the door, the child
was crying harder.

When she opened the door
a child was sitting up
in a crib; it was a girl.

Lady then picked up the phone
to dial 911, the operator asked
" what is the emergency"
Villain Lady answered
"there has been a murder
at 21 Sunbelt Lane
and put the phone down
so that the operator
could here the child crying

She jumped out the window
and rode her bike around
the bend disappearing into
the night fog.

By: Vanessa Ramos aka. Vanesitapoet

Submited by

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - 13:17

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 25 weeks ago
Joined: 04/20/2011
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