Back at the Barricade (Les Miserables)

Soundtrack: Les Miserables

Title: Javert At The Barricade/little People (Javert, Enjolras)

Good evening, dear inspector
Lovely evening, my dear.
I know this man, my friends
His name is Inspector Javert
So don't believe a word he says
'Cause none of it's true
This only goes to show
What little people can do!

And little people know
When little people fight
We may look easy pickings
But we've got some bite
So never kick a dog
Because he's just a pup
We'll fight like twenty armies
And we won't give up
So you'd better run for cover
When the pup grows up!

Bravo, little Gavroche, you're the top of the class!

So what are we going to do
With this snake in the grass?

Tie this man and take him
To the tavern in there
The people will decide your fate
Inspector Javert!

Take the bastard now and shoot him!

Let us watch the devil dance!

You'd have done the same, Inspector,
If we'd let you have your chance!

Shoot me now or shoot me later
Every schoolboy to his sport
Death to each and every traitor
I renounce your people's court!

Though we may not all survive here
There are things that never die

What's the difference, die a schoolboy,
Die a policeman, die a spy?

Take this man, bring him through
There is work we have to do!

(Javert is bundled away as the first shots ring out.
Eponine enters, wounded)

There's a boy climbing the barricade!

Good God! What are you doing?
'Ponine, have you no fear?
Have you seen my beloved?
Why have you come back here?

Took the letter like you said
I met her father at the door
He said he would give it

(She collapses in his arms)

Don't think I can stand any more.

Eponine, what's wrong? I feel...
There's something wet upon your hair

(There is blood on his hands)

Eponine, you're hurt
You need some help!
Oh God, it's everywhere....

Submited by

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 - 20:31

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