Thinking About You (Yusuf Islam - Cat Stevens)

Thinking about you

Yusuf Islam

When I hold your hand I could fly a zillion miles with you
When I see your grace I can see you're God's words come true
Every little bird above the haze and fish beneath the waves
Knows about you, wouldn't they do

When I see your eyes I can see rainbows in the sky
Being with you all who parted reunite
Every little pearl drop in the clouds and stones beneath the ground
Are waiting for you, wouldn't they do

Whatever you say lightens up the burden of the day
Whatever you do makes us ever want to follow you
Whatever they say, whatever they do
I'll always love you

Every burning comet that zooms and angels too
Think about you, wouldn't they do

Thinkin' 'bout you I could climb a mountain in the dark
Listenin' to you flowers dance in the park
Whatever they say, whatever they do
We'll always love you

The words that you say lightens up the burdens of the day
Whatever you do makes us wanna follow you
Whatever they say, whatever they do
I'll always love you

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Friday, April 1, 2011 - 20:57

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