Wave (Frank Sinatra & Tom Jobim)


(Composição: Tom Jobim)

Vou te contar
Os olhos já não podem ver
Coisas que só o coração pode entender
Fundamental é mesmo o amor
É impossível ser feliz sozinho...

O resto é mar
É tudo que não sei contar
São coisas lindas que eu tenho pra te dar
Vem de mansinho à brisa e me diz
É impossível ser feliz sozinho...

Da primeira vez era a cidade
Da segunda o cais e a eternidade...

Agora eu já sei
Da onda que se ergueu no mar
E das estrelas que esquecemos de contar
O amor se deixa surpreender
Enquanto a noite vem nos envolver...

Vou te contar...


Versão em Inglês: Frank Sinatra

So close your eyes, for thats a lovely way to be
Aware of things your heart alone was meant to see
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
You can't deny, don't try to fight the rising sea
Don't fight the moon, the stars above and don't fight me
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
When I saw you first the time was half past three,
When your eyes met mine it was eternity
By now we know the wave is on its way to be
Just catch that wave don't be afraid of loving me
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together
When I saw you first the time was half past three
When your eyes met mine it was eternity
By now we know the wave is on its way to be
Just catch that wave, don't be afraid of loving me
The fundamental loneliness goes whenever two can dream a dream together

Submited by

Monday, January 10, 2011 - 16:13

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