Canto della Terra (Andrea Bocelli)

Andrea Bocelli sings Canto Della Terra at the Royal Albert Hall in 2000 for Elizabeth Taylor. Unbelieveably beautiful, I hope you all like it. Thank you to LoveMattersMost for sending me the link! NOTE: Yes, it is Michael Jackson sitting with Elizabeth Taylor in the video - they were close friends.

As this concert was in Mrs. Taylor's honor, it only makes sense that her closest friends would enjoy it with her. If your only comment is along the lines of "OMG, it's Michael Jackson!" please keep it to yourself. Also, if you don't enjoy Bocelli's voice, please do not rant about it in the comments. Nobody is forcing you to listen. A civilized debate about the qualities of different singers is fine, bashing (of any singer) is not. Finally, please do not curse in your comments. If you go against any of these, your comment will be deleted. If you persist, I will report you

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011 - 18:36

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