A moment of peace (Gregorian Master of Chant)

In a moment peace

Gregorian Master Chant


Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm

In a moment of peace.

Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah

Come now, come by our side,
A place where you can hide.
We are the sunshine,
Rest your soul here and you'll find we are the energy.
We give the world to thee.
Hold up your heart now
We will ease the pain from your brow.

[Sing by Sarah Brightman:]
In a world without dangers
Where destruction is near,
You can come with us here.
Where the people are strangers,
You will rest here with me
In a moment of peace.
Where the people are strangers,
You will rest here with me
In a moment of peace.
Where the people are strangers,
You will rest here with me
In a moment of peace.

Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm

Light up the dark below,
See through the stars,
Reach to the earth's flow.
Drift in the joy of our hearts,
Unleash the energy,
Taste of the wine
Drink as a soul that knows now, the power divine

[Sing by Sarah Brightman:]
In a world without dangers
Where destruction is near,
You can come with us here.
Where the people are strangers,
You will rest here with me
In a moment of peace.
Where the people are strangers,
You will rest here with me
In a moment of peace.

Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm

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Saturday, April 2, 2011 - 13:31

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